\n There are scenarios where we need to add two or more vectors.\r\n Let us give you an example. Consider the game of soccer with two players — Ally and Alan.\r\n\r\n Let's say Ally kicks the ball towards Alan, and Alan kicks the ball to its final location.\r\n Suppose the location of Alan relative to Ally is given by vector \\(\\mathbf r_1 \\), and the location of the ball relative to Alan\r\n is given by vector \\(\\mathbf r_2\\). Then, the location of the ball relative to Ally can be determined as the\r\n sum of \\(\\mathbf r_1 \\) and \\(\\mathbf r_2 \\).\r\n $$\\mathbf r = \\mathbf r_1 + \\mathbf r_2$$\r\n
\r\nThere are two ways to add two or more vectors.
\r\n\n First, we express each vector in its component form.\r\n Then, the sum of the two vectors can be obtained by adding the respective components of the two vectors.\r\n Below is an example.\r\n Let's say the vector \\( \\mathbf r_1 \\) in component form is given as\r\n $$r_1 = a_1 \\hat{x} + b_1 \\hat{y}$$\r\n Let's say the vector \\( \\mathbf r_2 \\) in component form is given as\r\n $$r_2 = a_2 \\hat{x} + b_2 \\hat{y}$$\r\n Then the sum of two vectors can be obtained as\r\n $$\\mathbf r = \\mathbf r_1 + \\mathbf r_2\r\n = (a_1+a_2) \\hat x + (b_1+b_2) \\hat y $$\r\n
\r\n\n Parallelogram rule is a graphical method used for the addition of two vectors. The rule can be described in two steps.\r\n
Draw a parallelogram with the two vectors as the adjacent sides.
\r\n\n Draw the diagonal of the parallelogram through the point common to both the vectors.\r\n That diagonal represents the sum of the two vectors.\n
\r\n \r\nIn this MagicGraph, You will learn about parallelogram rule for vector addition. Follow the steps below to get started.
\r\nYou can repeat the above steps any number of times to learn different scenarios.